Joseph Piland and Jacob Rice, concrete and brick layers of our town,
completed a nice cellar and chimney for Judge Hall's new farm dwelling last
Wm. Seiner and son, Lewis, were on our streets Monday.
Lawrence Hosick moved in the house recently vacated by H. C. Irion, last
Mrs. Greene and daughter, Margaret, while in town having dental work done
Tuesday, made us a pleasant call.
Mrs. F. Hardesty and baby, also Mrs. Floyd Hardesty and son, Terrell and
Luke Davis spent a few hours Monday out in the country the guests of Mrs.
Alice Gustin.
Geo. Herrmann and sons and Fred Shetler, wife and daughter, Miss Anna, were
in town Tuesday evening.
Wm. V. Schneider made us a pleasant call Tuesday.
Dr. Fowler was called to P.D. Holbrook's home Tuesday to see his son, Harry,
who was real sick.
Mrs. Gertrude Hardesty and son, Terrell, returned here from Mt. Vernon, Ind,
after a week's visit with Sol Edmundson and Mrs. Maude Duckworth, of New
Harmony, Ind.
Mrs. Frank Cowsert of near St. Joseph of the Woods and Miss Katie Gladneix
of Weir, Kansas, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Chas. Mayfield.
Mrs. Alice Gustin has been visiting her since, Mrs. Dr. F.M. Fowler.
Miss India Vinyard visited her sister, Mrs. Eddie Edwards, of Cave-In-Rock
last week.
S.G. Ramsey spent a couple of days in Marion, Ill, he will move his family
there this week.
Harold Pritchard left the first of the week for Carbondale to enter school.
Asa Reynolds of Rock Creek was a business visitor in town last Saturday.
Capt. John L. Lowry was on our streets Tuesday.
Wiley Lavender will the business at the W.J. Birch stand, while Mr. Birch
will retire from active business.
Geo. Volkert was in town Thursday.
Miss Nora Wells of Johnson City is a guest of Mrs. Mae Taylor.
Mrs. Robert Moyers is assisting in the Cumberland Telephone office.
John Patterson left Thursday for Carbondale, where he goes to have his eyes
F. Hardesty spent Thursday at Hicks.
Morgan Patton of Equality is a new subscriber.
Roy Griffith went to St. Louis the first of the week and brought back a new
six cylinder Studebaker Roadster for Dr. Fowler.
Hiliary Howard of Rosiclare left Rosiclare Wednesday to enlist in the
Regular Army; he having served in this service two terms.
Uncle John Seiner and Michael Herrmann of route 2 were on our streets
A new boy is reported in the house of Matt Koch's.
We are sorry indeed to report the death of Uncle John Rast.
Henry Hamp left the first of the week for St. Louis.
C.D. and Harry Ledbetter and Miss Eulin Dale of Elizabethtown attended
Confirmation services her Sunday.
Amill Zimmer and family of Delwood attended the mission here last week.
Mr. Farway and family of Delwood and Marie Humm of Elizabethtown, were
guests of Sebastian Rathes, Jr., and family Saturday night.
Curley Fordice and Miss Clara Reich, sister of Fr. Reich, formerly of this
parish were married at Milton, Pa. recently.
Miss Cecilia Humm returned to her home in St. Louis Saturday after spending
a pleasant vacation of three weeks with relatives and friends in this
Loren Denton and wife came in Friday night and spent the weekend with
Mrs. Pearl Davis came up from Rosiclare last Thursday afternoon and stayed
over night with her father, Isaac Hobbs.
It is reported that George Oxford sold a steer last week at Cave-In-Rock
that brought a little more than $130.
Miss Mattie Lane's letter last week, though somewhat lengthy, was
nevertheless interesting frm start to finish.
Thomas Angleton came down Sunday morning and took his son, Millard, out to
the latter's home. Millard has been here the past ten days working for John
Pruett in his barber shop.
Mrs. J.K. Nave has tow plates which came into her possession at the time of
the ice cream supper recently given by the Ladies Aid. They are premium
plates given out by Dr. Martin and have his name on them. The owner can have
them by calling at Mrs. Nave's and paying for this notice.
Cecil Oxford writes that he has enlisted for the Army and will be sent the
19th inst. to Des Moines, Iowa, where he will undergo a final examination.
Henry Abbey and wife are the proud parents of a new girl.
Geo. Reif and wife of Equality visited in Eichorn recently.
John Eichorn and wife attended the funeral of Jno. Rost at Dalgren; Mrs.
Eichorn being a sister of Mr. Rost.
Rev. Brewer of Murphysboro is conducting a series of meetings at Sturgil
Wendlin Seiner and family attended the State Fair last week. They report it
much better than last year.
J.R. Patton of Elizabethtown and Spence Jenkins of Golconda bought two car
loads of cattle here Monday.
Ulyss Cowsert has moved to John Foe's farm and Clint Irions has moved to his
farm that he recently bought.
James Hobbs has returned from Hot Springs, Ark, where he has been taking
treatments; he is much improved.
Misses Beulah Humm of Elizabethtown, Ruth Shetler of Rosiclare and Lillian
Bath of Golconda visited at Mrs. Jake Eichorn's recently.
In a recent letter from our young friend, Joe Shetler, who is enlisted in
the US Navy says he is well pleased and enjoying good health.
Miss Geneva Hall of Elizabethtown visited at Pro. Denton's the first of the
week. Mr. Denton is certainly teaching a good school at Corinth.
We are sorry to hear of the death of Uncle John Rost, which occured at
Dalgren, Ill. He committed suicide.
Bill Jackson is picking peas.
Herbert, the oldest son of George W. Edwards, who has been quite sick, is
now able to visit his grandmother Mrs. Sarah Jane Guedry.
Elder Russell is very busy looking up the interests of the widows and
orphans, Uncle Doc Spivey having resigned.
Perry Davis is not enjoying good health, but is able to visit around some;
his wife is not feeling well and Elmer, his oldest son, speaks of leaving
home and seeking employment in Ky.
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