G.W. Williams is reported sick.
Union school is progressing nicely with Arza Denton as teacher.
Mrs. Elmer Belford and son visited at the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Troutman last week.
Chas. Volkert sold a pure bred Poland China gilt to W.C. Downey recently.
We are sorry to report that Fr. Reich's arm in which he had blood poison is
bothering him again; he will likely have to return to the hospital.
A recent letter from Miss Mayme Moore, who is working in St. Louis states
that she fell on a concrete floor last week hurting her side very badly.
Wm. Volkert and daughter Miss Mary, left Friday on the Str. Lowry for Mt.
Vernon, Ind, to visit realtives there a week; from there they will go to
Evansville, Ind., to St. Mary's hospital, where Miss Mary goes to undergo
treatment for her throat.
Mrs. Louisa Hobbs and youngest son visited the former's daughter, Mrs.
Annabel Gardner, here last week.
Pete Lane's brother has been here visiting him the past two weeks. He is in
the hotel business at Shawneetown, but talks of leaving there.
Henry Thornton and wife attended the protracted meeting at Peters Creek part
of last week, and report a good meeting.
Mrs. Maud Birch and daughter visited the former's sister, Mrs. Dollie Tyer,
from last Saturday till Monday. Mrs. Tyer was rather sick when they left.
Grandma Ricketts came here last Saturday from an extended visit with her
son, Charley Ricketts and family at Flora, Ill. She stayed here with George
Rickett's family until Monday noon, when she left for her home at Rosiclare.
Miss Ida Saunders, daughter of Lewis Saunders and wife of near Golconda,
came here first of last week and visited here among relatives a day and
night and went out to Peters Creek, where she will visit with relatives and
friends till the last of this week.
Boss Tyer has been making frequent visits to E'town lately, ostensibly to
his kinsfolks here and attend the show, but really, the presumption is
strong and the evidence conclusive, that something far more charming than
relatives and shows is attracting him here - it is one of E'towns charming
fair sex.
James Rash of Gallatin County visited relatives and friends near Lamb
last week.
R.T. McDowell assisted by A.L. Douglas and A.J. Winn killed hogs last week.
H.C. Blakley was called to E'town to attend the bedside of his sister, Mrs.
H.C. Fletcher, who has been dangerously ill.
W.H. Belt has been carrying the mail in the absence of Mr. Blakley.
Jack Burklow have a play party last week.
We understand that W.D. Taylor of Battery Rock has purchased the
Cave-In-Rock ferry and will move to that place in order to run the ferry.
Chas. Hall is visiting in this part of the country.
W.F. Hufsey and son, Ralph, have returned from Ark.
Mrs. Hufsey of Caseyville, Ky., is visiting Clarence Clement of Lamb.
Elsie Bloomer is real sick at this writing.
Mrs. Nan Edwards is slowly recovering.
Radford Lane came out from Cave-In-Rock Saturday to see his grandmother,
Mrs. M.M. Belt, who has been real sick.
Mrs. Nancy Winters and son of Rosiclare are visiting Solomon Millikan.
Miss Rhoda Scott is on the sick list.
Loren Hobbs is visiting in Ky.
Bradford Brookmire is a regular visitor at henry Riggs.
Hosea Dale's baby has been real sick the last few days; they called Dr.
Lacey Sunday.
Eschol Smith visited Bluet Ginger Sunday.
Geo. Pankey and family took a nice sleigh ride Sunday.
John Daymond visited Rev. Jonas Spivey Sunday.
Robert Ginger is almost through moving on the Henry Reak place.
Mark Decker is recovering from his sick spell.
This cold spell caught Clyde Banks out of wood.
F.M. Jones has been under the weather for some time, but is improving
rapidly; he says it is due to this big snow.
Willie Birch stayed over night with his sister, Mrs. Spence Barnard, Monday
John Tolbert is boarding at Robt. Reed's this winter.
Ernest Tolbert sold his mules to Eschol Gross and purchased a pair of mares
from Ben Birch.
It seems that no one is ready for bad weather when it comes. This snow came
and Willie Bruce was not done gathering corn.
Mrs. Anna Logsdon has been visiting at Rosiclare the past few days.
Eschol Jackson spent Monday night with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
James Ralph has been visiting his daughter, Maudie Dale, for the past two
John, son of Arnold Stewart is very sick.
Mr. Joe King is some better at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. John McClusky spent one day visiting in Rosiclare last week.
Mrs. Jas. Estes and children spent Saturday with Mrs. B.F. Cowsert.
Dr. Spivey spent a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Ben Ralph, recently.
Arthur Downey spent part of last week canvassing for the Thomas
Manufacturing Co.
Mrs. Sarah Moore of Arkadelphia, Ark., is here visiting friends and
Bro. D.N. Barnett of Boaz, Ky., preached at this place Sunday at 2 o'clock
pm. His brother , Hugh, attended church also.
Mesdames C.M. Barton and Chas. I. Hawkins spent last Tuesday with Mrs. J.H.
Matthews of Elizabethtown.
Mrs. Jas. Cullum is on the sick list.
Clifford King and wife spent part of last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Newton
Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Brownfield of Rosiclare visited at B.F. Cowsert's Saturday
and Sunday.
Was sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Bessie Twitchell; we tender sympathy
to her many friends and relatives.
Tucker Bynum and mother were down transacting business in this vicinity last
Aaron Wallace spent last week visiting his sister, Mrs. Ellen Hurford.
Samuel Barton of Stonefort, Ill., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.M.
Barton, since our last.
Mrs. Wm. Hurford spent one day last week visiting Mrs. Laura Mason of
Miss Mabel Carmen is staying with the family of Jno. King at this writing.
Ben Rigsby, who is working for Joe Cullum visited at Jas. Cullum's recently.
Dr. Hancock of Hicks patronized our job department last week.
Mrs. Robert Moyers has been on the sick list the past few days.
Lloyd Thornton left one day last week for Tenn.
Miss Emma Douglas visited homefolks last week.
Fred Wheeler was up from Rosiclare Saturday.
G.C. McDowell of near Cave-In-Rock while in town Saturday made us a pleasant
Mrs. Wm. Ralph of Rosiclare was a guest of Isaac Hobbs and family here
Miss Gradie Cullison was down from the Cave last week having dental work
We failed to mention last week the visit of Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Pritchard and
son, James, to friends in Rosiclare Sunday.
Edward Schneider of near Saline Mines went to Evansville Monday to attend
the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. F. Schneider, who died Sunday after a
short illness. Intenment took place at the Oakwood Cemetery Tuesday
afternoon - Gallatin Democrat
W.T. Blakley and wife of near Lamb were here a day or two last week
attending the bedside of their niece, Mrs. Ursie Fletcher.
Attorney W.A. Rittenhouse was in town on business Saturday.
Dewey Birch, who accidentally shot himself in the leg several weeks ago is
able to sit up.
Rev. J.P. Reich, former pastor of St. Josephs Church, visited friends in
that neighborhood a few days last week.
Mrs. Katie Catt of Shawnee Hollow was in town on business Saturday.
Sam Jackson, rural mail carrier on route no. 1, failed to get thru to
Cave-in-Rock Saturday.
Clyde Guntert and Fred Hubbard of Karbers Ridge were here the first of the
week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barger.-Carrier Mills Mail
Miss Mary McTyre spent Sunday out on Idle Hour Farm.
Misses Helen Nesler and Ethel Bruce visited friends in Rosiclare from Friday
until Sunday.
Chaeney Rose and Earl Shearer are assisting in the County Clerk's office
this week.
Mrs. Harry Fletcher, who lingered between live and death for several days
last week is reported much better and the chances excellent for her
The Str. Russell Lord loaded ties here the first of the week.
F.A. Guedry, who represents the J.R. Gunson seed house has sold $23.70 worth
of seed to be delivered in the spring.
R.M. Frayser of Cave-in-Rock was on our streets Wednesday.
Geo. Dale has built a new house on the land he purchased this fall.
A fine girl baby put in its appearance at the home of Rev. S.O. Sheridan and
wife Sunday. Mother and babe are both getting along nicely.
From the Shawneetown News - Gleaner we learn that H.H. Pelbank who was
formerly a cashier of the Hardin County Bank at Cave-in-Rock, and who for
the past four or five years has been cashier of a bank at Equality, has
resigned his position at that place and accepted one with a bank at
Eldorado, Ill.
Esq. J.M. Riley was on our streets Wednesday.
Mrs. Ora Moyers was taken to Paducah the first of the week to undergo an
operation. Her mother, Mrs. Wm. H. Ferrell, received word Tuesday that she
had stood the operation weel and would recover.
Ray Hosick, who is in Co. K. of the 9th U.S. Infantry, stationed at Laredo,
Tex., writes (not to the editor) that there is an epidemic of measles going
through the camp. Ninety cases had been reported with three deaths.
Rev. S.O. Sheridan started a revival meeting at the M.E. Church here Monday
night. We would be glad to see Elizabethtown wake up and have an old time
soul stirring revival.
Martin Eichorn of route 2 was a caller in our office Wednesday.
James Ginger writes from Kankakee, Ill., that he enjoys the Independent very
much, stating that it keeps him in touch "with the folks back home".
Tommy Shewmaker who has employment at Manteno, Ill., passed through here
Monday enroute to his home at Hicks for a few days visit with his mother.
Oh for a thousand (not tongues) but Subscribers like these:
E.C. Snyder - Anderson, Ind.
Willa Thomma - Stockton, Kan.
Will Allard - Cave-In-Rock
Cecil Holbrook - Mendota, Wisc.
R.A. Ledbetter - Elizabethtown, Ill.
Louis Scroggins - Louisville, Ky.
Allen Belt - Elizabethtown, Ill.
C.E. Frailey - Elizabethtown, Ill.
W.T. Downey - Oklahoma City, Okla.
Dollie Tyer - Cave-in-Rock
Verner Joyner - Stonefort, Ill.
Gullett & Gullett - Springfield, Ill.
Eva E. Kirkham - Colome, S. Dak.
Douglas Miller arrived here Sunday from the Texas Border for a visit with
his father.
Mann Purcell was arrested late Sunday evening by the sheriff's men at his home in the section between Dorrisville and Harrisburg known as the Peach Orchard on a charge of running a gambling house and bootlegging.
Saline | Gallatin | Union KY |
Pope |
![]() |
Livingston KY Crittenden KY |