Mrs. L.T. Rash returned home last Thursday evening and up to this writing
is recuperation nicely.
Grandma Thornton spent most of last week with relatives on Peters Creek,
returning home Saturday.
John Chancey is very bad with pneumonia, and his stong predisposition to
tuberculosis renders his condition extemely precarious.
Mrs. Pearl Davis came up from Rosiclare last Friday morning and visited the
family of her father, Isaac Hobbs, and other relatives here til Saturday
We had the pleasure of meeting Lucian Jackson of Carbondale, a brother of
the late S.L. Jackson of Rosiclare, in E'town the latter part of last week.
John Holloman and wife have our sincere sympathy in the loss of their little
babe last week. We are glad to know, however, that Mrs. Holloman, who was
dangerously sick also, is convalescing nicely, with every prospect of final
Rev. D.A. Ledbetter was called to Rosiclare Tuesday of last week to preach
the funeral of a Mrs. Henson, nee Shadowens, who had just died of pneumonia.
What rendered the occasion more than ordinarily sad, only a few days before
she had lost her infant baby. Deceased was a member of Keeling Hill Church,
and was said to be a very devoted Christian, wife and mother; and withal, a
good and lovable woman.
Rev. A.J. Clanton of Rock Creek precinct was here on the grand jury three
days last week, and spent most of his time when not on jury duty, with the
family of his nephew, Chas. H. Jackson.
James Rutherford and a Mr. Frailey, a brother of the one with whom he
recently traded farms, came to town Saturday on business. Wehn Jim moves to
his new farm, he will be within less than half a mile of his parents home, a
circumstance that will be alike pleasing to them and him.
We are very sorry to learn of the continued serious illness of Mrs. Rebecca
Curry as reported in Crickett's items last week. Mrs. Curry lived a near
neighbor to us for many years when we lived on Harris Creek. We are sory
also to learn of the precarious condition of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Viola
Lane, nee Page, an intelligent and lovable young woman. We hope to hear of
their early convalescenc and final recovery.
Rev. M.F. and Walter Oxford took dinner with us Wednesday of last week. The
former had been there three days on the grand jury,stayed over night with
J.E. Denton Monday night and with the writer Tuesday night, and the latter
came in Wednesday on business.
Herman Hosick is on the sick list this week.
Mrs. Arzie Dale spent Saturday in town with her mother.
Fred Brewer and wife have a sick child.
Little Gladys Reed, youngest child of Riley Reed is getting better now.
Robt. Marglin has been employed to do the work on the experiment station
Sol Hobbs' two children have been on the sick list but are better at
Miss Susie and Rosie Marglin spent Friday evening with Bertha and Gradie
Cecil Smith spent Thursday with his sister, Ota Decker, who is recovering
from measles.
Mrs. Rhoda Laird visited her mother, Mrs. Mollie Jackson one day last week.
Miss Carrie Sullivan returned home from Yellow Springs where she attended
school the past winter.
Mrs. Lizzie Palmer and Mrs. Bertie Ledbetter visited their sister, Mrs.
Arzie Dale Thursday.
Cecil Smith spent Sunday evening with Tom and Austin Hurford, who have the
We failed last week to report the marriage of Dan Hurford and Miss Golda
Decker, youngest daughter of John R. Decker and wife. We wish them a long
and happy life.
Miss Mary Henson is on the sick list.
Mrs. John H. Cowsert had the measles.
Miss Flora Downey was the guest of Miss Opal Foe Friday night.
Misses Ollie, Lillie and Opal Foe were the guests of Misses Minnie and
Evaline Moran Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vanbiber went out to their farm near Hicks Saturday.
Miss Mary Moran of Carrsville, Ky., is over visiting her relatives and
Miss Suda Conkle visited the family of C.I. Hawkins a few days since our
Mrs. Wm. Volkert's father passed away Wednesday evening. We extend our
sympathy to the bereaved.
Miss Anna Belle Craib of Rosiclare is staying with the family of John H.
Our school closed Friday afternoon. Mr. Vanbiber taught a successful term:
he will move to Rosiclare in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shad visited in this vicinity since our last.
Mrs. W.E. Troutman visited Mrs. C.M. Barton recently.
Misses Olie Foe and Maude Hawkins were the guests of Mrs. Walter Creemer of
Rosiclare Tuesday.
Gordon and Rodney McClusky were the guests of Vernon and Otto Moran Sunday.
Bro. D.N. Barnett of Boaz, Ky., will fill his appointment at this place next
Saturday night. Let a large crowd be present.
Omar Austin was quite sick last week, but is all right again.
Thomas Britain will start the carpenter working on his new eight room
bungalow as soon as they are through with Escol Oxford's home.
Miss Ethel Bruce will close her school at Simpson this Thursday. Many have
spoken favorably of her past month's work.
Freeman Austin closed his school at Richland Friday. Owing to the measles
epidemic he dismissed quietly without any special exercises on the last day.
Tom Price has employment with W.C. Green for the summer. He will move his
family there as soon as the back water recedes sufficiently to enable him to
get out from where he now lives near Saline Creek.
Ray Renfro delivered something near 800 bushels of corn at the Cave-in-Rock
market last week, at prices ranging from $1.03 to $1.10. On Monday when he
began hauling corn was $1.03 per bushel, and by Saturday it had advanced to
The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Escol Oxford is so nearly completed that they
contemplate moving within the next week. All is finished except inside work.
Jonathan Belt is excavating a cistern for them.
Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Britain moved to the country last week, into a house on
Thomas Britains farm, in order to be nearer Henry's work this summer. Mr.
and Mrs. George Britain, who had previously lived there, moved to
Cave-In-Rock into the house vacated by the first family.
The Gleaner
George and John Hobbs are hauling saw logs this week down at Rock Creek
where Frank Hindall will saw this summer.
Miss Gracie Hobbs is at home again. She closed her school Tuesday instead of
Friday on account of measles.
Mrs. Alice Lowry and two grandchildren are visiting her son, Jode Lowry, at
Dorrisville this week.
Spencer Martin will move on Joe Oldham's place and care for his stock while
he is in the bottoms at work. Mr. Martin will work for Mrs. Martha Bishop
this summer.
Miss Pearl Keeling visited Miss Audie Guntert last week.
Grandmother Banks is visiting at W.R. Ledbetter's.
Miss Pearl Ledbetter is visiting at her sister's, Mrs. M. Carnett.
We see Lucian Tucker going north wonder waht the attractions are.
Someone ask W.R. Ledbetter if he likes his job making brooms.
Harrison Banks is dancing around the house for joy, because the stork has
brought him a big plow boy.
Our old friend John Reiner who has been very poorly attended church at Good
Hope Sunday.
Mrs. Ma____ Albert is able to be up again.
Loren Vinyard has a big dishwasher.
Miss Audrey Ledbetter visited at Wm. Drumm's last week.
Mrs. Hattie Banks has been on the sick list.
Delbert Banks has a big girl, wonder what they will calll it.
Thos. Brownfield has measles, also Ora Vinyard our teacher, has measles,
there is no school.
A.I. Frailey has traded farms with Jas. Rutherford.
Clarence Curry's little child died with measles last week.
Claude Winters has employment with our merchant, Asa Decker.
W.D. Davis bought a span of young mules from A.E. Love.
Chas. Smith is sowing oats.
Allen Frizzell has moved on Well's Hill.
Martha J. Finn has built a fine hen house. John Grace is the carpenter.
Mrs. Henry Lane died Wednesday night, she leaves a husband and several small
children. She was a sister to John P. Page.
A.S. Decker attended the funeral of his brother's child, John Decker's
Thursday at Central.
John Watters of Caseyville, Ky., was here the last of the week selling his
mother's corn. W.D. Davis bought it for $1.00 a bushel.
Blue Eyes
Bert Dale received hogs here last week paying 12 1/2 cts. per lb.
John Smith of Golconda is visiting his daughter, Mrs Ishmael Patterson and
Mrs. Lela McCord, this week.
Mrs. Anna Karber and children of Harrisburg are visiting homefolks at this
P.J. Engles is at work on the Railroad near Golconda; we hope it will soon
be by Karbers Ridge.
Mrs. Norman Engles left last week for Philadelphia, Pa., where she will
visit homefolks for a short vacation.
We regret very much to hear of the sad accident of Waldo Jenkins in getting
his jaw broken in three places by a kick from a mule.
Uncle Charles Vinyard and wife are going to break up housekeeping and go to
live with their son, George B. Vinyard near Kedron, Ill.
L.F. Oxford and wife visited Mrs. Rebecca Curry last Sunday.
Aunt Nancy Ledbetter is still very poorly, not about to set up any yet.
Verga Browning went home with her sister last Sunday for an extended visit.
Mrs. Ida Reynolds and two children have a severe case of La Grippe.
We learn that Clarence Curry and wife lost their child of measles and
We were sorry to learn that Waldo Jenkins got so bad hurt by a mule kicking
him in the face and breaking his jaw bone in three places; he is a
precarious condition.
Fred Frailey, who traded farms with James Rutherford, sold his farm to his
brother, Frank Frailey, of Herrick, Ill. Frank has moved in here and will go
to Herrick, where he has purchase his father's farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Oxford visited the latter's parents last Sunday, it
being Mrs. Oxford's birthday the mother prepared a good dinner for her and
she received some presents also Mr. and Mrs. Asa Reynolds took dinner there
that day also.
Adlai Page has moved from his father's place here down near Saline Creek on
George Tinsley's place and will make a crop this summer while Geo. will
travel for the Yeast Foam Co. John Page, Jr. will accompany him and work for
the same company.
With sadness we announce the death of Mrs. Viola Lane, which occured at ther
home March 29th, with that most dreadful disease, consumption. She leaves a
husband and five small children besides a host of relatives to mourn the
loss of this good woman. She was laid to rest in the ___ll Cemetery beside
her infant baby. Rev. A.J. Clanton conducted the services.
We wish to thank the friends and relatives who assisted us during the
illness and death of our dear baby, Virginia Mae.
J.B. Holloman and wife
Miss Nell Baker is home from Carbondale.
Oscar Holbrook moved in the Drumm property last week.
Sebastian Rotes was a pleasant caller in our office Tuesday.
Karl and N.B. Humm of route 2 were in town Tuesday.
Bass Hirl of Rosiclare was on our streets Tuesday.
Burrell Morris spent a few days out of town since our last issue.
Loren E. Denton's school at Steele closed Tuesday.
Fred Wheeler was in town a day or two last week.
Miss Ada Conn was in town last Thursday.
E.G. Russell was up from Golconda Monday.
Postmaster Karber was up from Rosiclare Tuesday.
Willie Winn of Lamb spent a day or two in town last week.
Loren Simmons carried the mail on Route 2 Tuesday on account of the illness
of Mrs. H.C. Irion.
Donald Ball returned from Iowa Thursday. He is just recovering from an
attack of measles.
Mrs. and Mrs. Harry Ellis and Miss Ethel Bruce were in town trading
Mr. and Mrs. John McClusky spent Tuesday with C.B. Humm and family.
David Orr, Jr., and Miss Roxiana Tyer were married at Carbondale one day
last week.
Harry Humm of near Stone Church was in town on business Saturday.
John Simmons left last week for West Frankfort, where he went to seek
Mrs. Bessie Simmons and children are visiting the family of H. Gerheardt.
Mesdames Dr. Clement of Cave-in-Rock and Elizabeth McDowell of Lamb were
callers in our office Tues.
Ray Forster, who has been here visiting his sister, Mrs. Capt. R.F. Taylor,
the past two weeks, returned to his home at West Frankfort, Ill., Sunday.
Mrs. W.C. Hill spent Saturday in Golconda.
Prof. Moore spent the first of the week in Paducah.
Judge Ledbetter is spending the week at McLeansboro.
W.H. Birch is visiting his sister, Mrs. Harry Ellis.
J.H. Mathews attended the funeral of his cousin at Goconda Saturday.
Mrs. Mollie Ledbetter left Friday for a visit with her mother at Marion, Ky.
Misses Emma and Mabel Douglas returned to their home in the upper end of the
Mrs. Owens is over from Hampton, Ky., visiting her brother, S.G. Ramsey and
Miss Hallie Nave and brother, Alfred, of Evansville, are spending the week
with their grandparents, J.K. Nave and wife.
Misses Ora and Helen Ledbetter and Eulin Dale spent Tuesday in Golconda.
Mrs. Lane came down from the Cave and spent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs.
Edw. Ferrell.
Mrs. Kattie Dimick and daughter, Mrs. Austin Knight, were up from Rosiclare
Ethel Blakely was in town one day last week.
Genevive Nesler spent Tuesday night in Rosiclare the guest of Jewel
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Reif have moved from St. Joseph's parsonage to
Eichorn, Ill., where they purchased the Dr. Barger property.
Loren Wasson of Harrisburg came over and spent a few days with relatives at
the Rose Hotel last week.
Mrs. Geo. Wall and son Max, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Chas. Miller at
Douglas Miller left last week for Indianapolis, Ind., where he has
P.E. Nelsler's family left for Herrin, Ill., Wednesday.
Clyde Finn is working in the colletor's office.
E.R. Ferrell has employment at Rosiclare.
C.D. Ledbetter assisted in the bank at Rosiclare a day or two last week.
Russell Wilson and wife attended the funeral of the formers sister, Mrs.
Vick Wise, of Eldorado, Ill., last week.
Geo. Watson was over from Ky. Wednesday; he took a bunch of hogs to
Evansville on the Lowry.
Miss Willie Moyers of Fairview is visiting her uncle, G.R. Moyers and wife.
Mrs. Holdman, mother of Mrs. S.G. Ramsey of our village, passed away early
Thursday morning, the result of measles and pneumonia fever.
Mrs Ida Hampton and mother moved here from Carrsville, Ky. this week.
Chas. Frailey is carrying the mail on Route 1, during the illness of Sam
Jackson, who is suffering with measles.
Bert Dale bought 18 head of hogs from Warren Guess of Tolu, Ky., Wednesday
paid $564 for them; $14.40 her 100 lb. This the highest paid for hogs since
we can remember.
Robert Vinyard of Karbers Ridge was in town Wednesday.
N.A. Herrmann of Chicago, Ill., is spending a few days with his parents,
George Herrmann and wife, of Eichorn, Ill. He was accompanied home by his
friend, a Mr. Parks.
Miss Ethel Bruce's school at Simpson closed Wednesday.
J.T. McPhearson of near Lamb was in town Saturday he paid this office a
brief pleasant call.
Dr. R.O. Lacey left Wednesday for a visit with relatives in Texas.
Uncle Oran Miller left today for the Soldiers Home at Quincy, Ill.
Mrs. Nell Hardesty spent last wk. at Hicks with her parents.
W.L. Jackson & wife arrived here today where they will room with Mrs. A.F.
Anderson indefinitely. Mrs. Jackson's condition is practically unchanged.
Few families have suffered more from measles than our fellow townsman S.G.
Ramsey, Mrs. Ramsey, her baby, little nephew and her mother, Mrs. Hollman,
who died Wed., have all had severe attacks and Mr. Ramsey is hardly able to
keep out of bed himself. We tender our sincere sympathy.
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