Mrs. Clara Oxford went to Rosiclare Saturday night, returning Sunday.
Mesdames Gradie Ledbetter and Retta Ricketts visited in Rosiclare last
Miss Irene Martin came up from Rosiclare Saturday morning returning Sunday.
She was guest of Miss Ray Ledbetter.
Mrs. Minerva Belt came through E'town last week returning home from a two
weeks visit with her daughter at Herrin, Ill.
We are sorry to hear of the death of Marion Belt, which resulted as a sequel
to a long siege of sickness. He was an honourable and upright Christian
gentleman, and a strong supporter and adherent of the Baptist Church at
Peters Creek.
Mrs. T.J. Lasater was here last Saturday to see about getting an increase of
pension for her husband. He recently reached the age of 75 years, and is
therefore entitled to an increase under the age and service act. His health
is very bad indeed.
Mrs. Maud Birch and daughter visited the former's sister, Mrs. Dollie Tyer
at Cedar Point above Cave-in-Rock, last Saturday, returning Monday. She
reports her sister as being in rather poor health.
J.A. Barnerd and wife from the north end of the county came down and visited
relatives and friends in the vicinity of Keeling and E'town and attended the
Charley Jackson birthday dinner last week.
Mrs. Mary I. Stallions, mother in law of Charley Jackson, came in last week
and made application for a restoration of pension. She was formerly
pensioned as the widow of James Doctorman, and the late pension law makes it
possible for her to have that pension restored. She will get $20 per month.
Mrs. Alice Cowsert, formerly of this county but now of Harrisburg, came down
week before last and made application for original pension to which she was
denied until the passage of the new pension law, because of her marriage to
a soldier after June 27, 1890. The Act of Sept. 8 , 1916, extended the time
15 years to June 27, 1905, which gave her title.
On the 9th inst. Charley Jackson had reached the age of 42 years, and his
wife and some others desiring to celebrate the event prepared a sumptious
birthday dinner, to which his mother, Mrs. Mollie Jackson, and one brother,
Franklin Jackson, and two sisters, Miss Rachel Jackson and Mrs. Grace Belt,
his mother in law, Mrs. Mary I. Stallions, his Uncle John Barnerd and wife,
and enough children to swell the number to about 25 were. The occasion
afforted an opportunity for several relatives to meet and enjoy each other's
company in a social way for a few hours very pleasantly. Mrs. Jackson is an
adept at entertaining.
Fred Shetler purchased a nice bunch of cattle last week.
Raleigh Eichorn attended the Farmer's Institute at Elizabethtown Tuesday.
Word received from Misses Mary and Katie Humm states they are having the
time of their life in Evansville, Ind.
C.B.Humm of Elizabethtown purchased some seed wheat from his brother, Geo.
Humm, Sr., Monday.
Miss Sylvia Ginger visited Miss Maude Hawkins Sunday afternoon.
Fred McClusky bought a nice bunch of hogs from Ottis Dimick.
Otto Hurford and Fred Shetler bought a nice bunch of cattle from Charley
Stacey one day last week.
Misses Lillie and Olive Foe visited at E.R. Kibler's Saturday night and
Miss Emma Douglas visited at Fred McCluskys from Saturday till Monday
Willie and Jessie Graham are visiting their sister, Mrs. Flynn, of near
Keeling this week.
Misses Lorris Hurford and Dell Lavender visited at W.T. Lamar's one day last
Mesdames Muriel Hale, Rosie Volkert and daughter, Miss Lizzie were visitors
at Wm. Graham's Sunday afternoon.
Jessie Graham visited at Fred McClusky's Saturday night and Sunday He has
employment with Fred for all Fall.
Yours sincerely, W.J. Stovewood
Hattie M. Rittenhouse visited Lamb school last week.
Ed. Lady did some painting for T.J. Belt last week.
W.H. Winters of Rosiclare is visiting relatives near Lamb.
Geo. Woodring and son of Ky., moved on M.M. Belt's farm.
Jack and Raymond Burklow are baling hay for the farmers in this vicinity.
Geo. Woodring was the guest of James Burklow last week.
Mrs. Ethel Blakely visited J.M. Underwoods last week.
Ottis Brittain and family spent Saturday evening at T.J. Belt's.
Mrs. Fred McDowell visited T.J. Belt's last week.
Radford Lane visited Alva Lane Sunday evening.
A large crowd gathered at Cecil Blakeley's Friday night of last week and
enjoyed some inspiring music.
Rev. John Tucker preached an excellent sermon at Geo. Hall's Wednesday
Geo. and Fred McDowell spent Saturday night and Sunday with their brother,
C.C. McDowell.
W.M. Ball and Lawrence Oxford were in this vicinity surveying out a road.
Mrs. Henry Davis is quite sick and has been for several days.
Mrs. Belle Dougherty visited Mrs. Gertie Clark last Thursday.
Mrs. Nettie Rogers spent Thursday afternoon with Uncle Henry Page.
Miss Grace Hobbs spent a short time Saturday afternoon at Wm. Clark's.
Mrs Gertie Clark has been quite poorly since last Wednesday. She is some
better at present.
Sol Hobbs, wife and son spent Sunday with his mother.
Mrs. Katie and Eliza Catt spent Sunday with Job Catt.
Andrew Hardin spent Sunday with Ernest Beard.
John Barnett and wife spent Saturday and Sunday with Ezekiel Hobbs.
Mrs. Julia Hardin and children spent Sunday evening with Ezekiel Hobbs.
..... Mattie Smock taking dinner with Francis Hobbs Saturday.
Mrs. Mollie Hardin spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Florence Winters;
they went hunting Saturday night and report a nice time.
Miss Jessie Baker is quite sick.
Dr. W.P. Duley has returned from Kentucky.
Misses Mary and Daisy Chancey are working in Rosiclare.
Mrs. John Simmons and children spent last week in the country.
Miss June Nickols is clerking on the Str. John L. Lowry.
Mrs. Patterson is visiting at Henry Gerheardt's this week.
Chas. Humm, Jr., was up from Rosiclare Saturday.
Frank Cowsert of near Eichorn was in town Saturday.
Miss Ethel Bruce spent Sunday with homefolks.
Miss Mary McTyre has been real sick.
Richard Tyer of Cave-In-Rock was in town Tuesday.
Roy Griffith was in St. Louis last week.
Claude Ball was buried at Stone Church Wednesday.
Uncle Jake Drumm is in the country this week painting.
W.P. Warford made a business trip to Evansville first fo the week.
Dr. and Mrs. Fowler were sick a day or two recently.
Arzie Dale took his team to Harrisburg to work for a while.
Mesdames Sebray and Cora Watson spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ed. Slye.
Russell Wilson and wife left Saturday for Brookport, where they will visit
the former's parents.
Hugh Patton and family of Fairview visited the family of Capt. Jas. Ferrell
last week.
Miss Emma Douglas visited friends near Stone Church last week.
Miss Julia Catt was a guest of Mrs. John Patton near town Saturday.
Mrs. Tim Simmons and two children of Brimfield are visiting at Sam Hosick,
Sr., of Bassett.
Mrs. Foshee of Terra Haute, Ind. is here visiting her brother, J.E. Server.
Mrs. Joe Hawkins and baby of Rosiclare spent Sunday with her parents, Sam
Hosick and wife.
Chas. Gerheardt returned from Battle Creek, Michigan, one day last week.
Wm. Hufsey of near Lamb was in town Monday; he renewed his subscription
while here.
Miss Anna Smith of near Keeling spent last week in town with her sister,
Mrs. L.T. Rash.
E.R. Ferrell has employment in Paducah, Ky, working on a street car.
Wm. Gross and daughters, Misses Rada and Sylvia, of Grossville were in town
trading Tuesday.
Misses Bessie Chancey and Golden Ricketts spent Sunday in the country.
Little Ganiel Holloman of Ky., is here visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Piland.
Mrs. Walter Hill of Rosiclare spent Wednesday with her sister Mrs. C.H.
Mrs. Sebary Watson is spending the week with Mrs. Casad in the country.
Mrs. Joe Waggoner and baby have been attending the bedside of Mrs. Alex
Walter Ball of Baton Rouge, La., was called here to attend the funeral of
his brother, Claude Ball.
Mrs. Henry Vinyard of Marion, Ill., is visiting Hardin County relatives and
friends. She was a guest of Mrs. F. Hardesty last week.
Allen Belt of near Tower Rock was on our streets Monday. He subscribed for
the Independent while here.
Rev. Baker of Pope County will preach here at the Baptist Church 5th Sunday
in this month at morning and night.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Humm, Jr., stopped off the Lowry here awhile Saturday
morning on their return from Evansville, Ind. They report a dandy trip.
Rev. Sherridan, the new M.E. pastor and family arrived Tuesday from their
former home at Tamaroa, Ill. He will preach his first sermon here Sunday
We forgot last week to mention the visit of John Lawrence to this place for
a short time one day recently. While his stay was very short yet he managed
to meet and greet many old friends who would be glad for him to decide to
come back to E'town to live.
Miss Nannie Stacey Weds
Miss Nannie Stacey, who is well known as a young woman in Elizabethtown of
sterling character and many friends, was married Sunday evening at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kibler. Miss Nannie spent about a year on
a visit in the West, returning some three months ago. She spoke well of her
trip, but no one thought of her having discovered a husband until Saturday
when Mr. Bert Smith of Phoenix, Arizona registered at the Anderson Hotel,
and inquired for Miss Stacey's address.
The ceremony was pronounced by Judge Hall before a select few, after which
there was a sumptuous supper enjoyed, prepared under the supervision of Mrs.
Kibler and daughter Miss Daisy.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith will leave in a few days on their wedding tour in
Phoenix, where they will make their future home.
Horatio Scott Shoots and Kills Claude Ball
Horatio Scott, son of Thos. Scott, living on the lower road between
Elizabethtown and Cave-in-Rock, in the Tower Rock neighborhood shot and
killed his neighbor, Claude Ball, son of W.M. Ball, Monday afternoon at the
Tower Rock school house.
The trouble had it's beginning in what Mr. Scott, the father, thought was a
mistreatment of one of his daughters at the hands of the teacher, Mrs. Ethel
Blakeley. As a member of the schoold board Mr. Scott called a meeting of the
board to be held Monday and had advised the County Superintendent to be
present. Accordingly the board met, the County Superintendent being with
them besides some of the patrons of the district among whom was Mr. Ball,
who was killed.
When all of the invited officials were present and some of the neighbors,
the daughter of Mr. Scott that had complained of being mistreated was asked
to explain in what way she had been treated wrongfully, Mr. Scott ,the
father, stating at the time that "I will horsewhip my daughter if she is
disobedient" or words to that effect, whereupon the teacher told him that he
had better horsewhip her before she told any more lies. At this expression
from the teacher Mr. Scott intercepted and it is reported was threatening
the teacher with violence when Mr. Ball, who was seated near jumped in
between them and some say knocked Mr. Scott down, others say that he pushed
him down or away. Horatio Scott, the son, drew his revolver at once and
began firing at Ball, one shot striking him in the left corner of the mouth,
one passing through the heart, and two through the hands killing him
It is said that trouble had arisen on former occasions between these men and
that the best of feeling did not exist between them, however, we fail to see
the justification of such action as was taken.
Both of the Scotts were arrested and brought here and place in jail by
Sheriff McGinnis.
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