Father Reich was in E'town Saturday.
Miss Tena Towns was called home Saturday.
Miss Flora Zimmer of Delwood is spending a few days with relatives in this
Arthur McKernan spent Saturday night with Hickman Joiner, Jr., and wife.
Karl Humm has been suffering with the toothache the past few days.
Mrs. Mary Gile and little daughter, Marie, of Albion, IL, are visiting the
family of her mother, Mrs. Dr. Miller, of Eichorn.
Marie Humm of Elizabethtown spent Saturday and night with the family of her
cousing, J.F. Humm of Eichorn; she was accompanied home Sunday afternoon by
John Humm and Miss Mayme Moore.
Little Grethel Ricketts went out Saturday to spend a few days with her
sister, Gladys, at Robert Ginger's.
G.W. Shearer and wife and the writer and wife made a trip to Rosiclare last
Wednesday, returning the same day.
Henry Thornton and family visited on Peters Creek from Saturday till Monday.
Henry took a chill on his way our Saturday, and was very sick Saturday night
and Sunday.
Mrs. Ida Hampton came up from Rosiclare Saturday afternoon and remained over
till Monday morning. She was the guest of her uncle, Charley Rose and family
while here. She and Mrs. Rose made our family a pleasant brief call Sunday
Mrs. Docia Frailey of Caruthersville, Mo, who formerly lived on Peters Creek
in this county, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Ralph, and her
brother, Allen Frizzell, and other relatives and friends here for several
weeks. She will leave today (Monday) for her home in Mo.
Mrs. A.F. Anderson who has been quite sick several days is now able to sit
up most of the time, but is still very weak and feeble. Dr. Fowler is giving
medical advice and treatment. Her granddaughter in law, Mrs. Triston Martin,
who has been waiting on her several days, went home last Saturday.
Clifford, son of the late Bunk Ledbetter and wife, died Saturday May 20,
1916, after a long and painful illness of consumption. Clifford's mother and
her husband (we don't know his name) moved from Rosiclare to her little
farm, near Sol Hobbs' several weeks ago, in the hope that it might benefit
the boy, but if it prolonged his life any it was very little. It is said
that his mother and stepfather did all they could to make his last days
comfortable, and rendered him every possible aid. His grandfather, Rev. D.A.
Ledbetter; accompanied the remains to Peters Creek Sunday, where they were
buried. We tender sympathy to all the bereft.
Mrs. Ollie Dale and stepdaughter, Miss Lora Dale left last week for an
extended visit with relatives in Ill., Mo, and Ark. They wentto Marion,
Ill., where Mrs. Dale's brother, Jim Ledbetter and family live. Miss Lora
stayed there, and Mrs. Dale to Piggot, Ark., to see her sister, Mrs. Kate
White, and from there was going to Blytheville, Ark., to see her brother,
John J. Ledbetter, and then she will go to Kennett, Mo., where Miss Lora
will join her and they will spend considerable time with the family of the
late William R. Ledbetter. It will be remembered that his children visited
Burt Dale's family several weeks last summer. They will be gone about four
weeks and will probably return by way of Marion, Ill.
Mrs. W.C. Oxford got a call Sunday night to come to Kankakee, Ill, at once,
where she will get employment as an attendant in the hospital there. She
left Tuesday noon of this week. Cecil expects to be called to the same place
very soon. Mrs. Oxford said that while she was very glad to get a call to
Kankakee because she was anxious to get employment, and the fact that she
had worked there so long heretofore, it would seem like home to her; yet
during her stay in E'town she had formed many acquaintances and associations
of people from whom she now much regretted to seperate. She says she will
carry many pleasant memories of her association with E'town and Hardin
County people from here. Later Cecil received a call, Tuesday night, from
the same place and will leave Thursday or Friday of this week.
Dr. Vinyard's sale came off Saturday afternoon.
John Rast was through here recently selling fruit trees.
Mrs. James Goins visited her mother here last week.
Rev. Jonas Spivey is superintending the road work in this vicinity. It is
reported that a good job is being done.
Jackson Flynn and wife came out and visited his brother, J.W. Flynn, who is
in poor health, here last week.
Clarence Dale and wife and Miss Cornelia Patterson visited here last week.
Bro. Samuel Winters moved in his new home here last week. He is very
conveniently situated.
Dr. Vinyard left the first of the week for Karnak, where he expects to close
a deal for some property at that place.
District Superintendent Morris accompanied by the M.E. Pastor, W.G. Wigham,
came out from Elizabethtown Saturday evening to hold the regular meeting.
Frank Hamp is very sick at present.
Henry and John Hamp transacted business in Harrisburg Saturday.
Freeman Schroll visited his parents Saturday night and Sunday.
Mrs. Louisa Banks is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Hamp.
Elmer Stuby moved into the house with his father.
Mattie Hamp has sold $138.50 of produce in the past four months.
Beulah Santy had the misfortune to run a sewing machine needle through her
finger, making a very painful wound.
Dr. Hancock was called to see Mrs. Steve Conaway Friday, also Mrs. John
Mrs. W.J. Hicks is not much improved neither is Aunt Ciller Baldwin.
Caroline and Mattie Hamp have sold 1140 dozen eggs since January 18 not
receiving less thatn 19c in trade and 14 1/2 c in cash per doz. How is that
for Herod market?
Mrs. Joe Cochran of Rosiclare has been visiting in this vicinity.
Miss Beulah Oldham spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Lillian Page.
Miss Gladys Lasater spent Friday with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Catt.
Earl Austin passed through here Saturday of last week.
Edd Oldham makes regular trip to E.E. Board's. Wonder what the attraction
Mrs. Katie Douglas and children of Cave-In-Rock have been here visiting
relatives in this vicinity.
We are very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Horace Foster which occured
May 5th.
Mrs. Dan Flannery, Jr., who has been suffering with pneumonia for the past
two weeks is slowly convalescing.
Miss Lydia Board who has had employment at Pankey's store for some time
returned home Wednesday of last week.
Misses Connie and Gladys Lasater, also Lydia Board and Lillian Page spent
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Dan Flannery.
Little Miss Lizzie Catt visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Catt,
Friday. She was accompanied by Miss Mollie Hardin.
Misses Lissie and Agnes Decker, who have employment at Kankakee are in for a
two week visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Decker, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben ______ spent one night with Ezra and Sadie Fritz
Mrs. Sadie Fritz and Miss Bertha Smith visited Mrs. Rhoda Laird recently.
Miss Flora Stacey had the misfortune to lose a fine mare Saturday night.
Gradie Smith has been very sick the past two weeks with malaria; she is
better. Dr. Fowler treated her.
John Daymon's baby has been quite sick the past two weeks but is reported
Sol Hobbs and wife and son, Willard, visited Clarence Hale and wife
Golden and Alma Barnard visited Gradie Smith one evening last week, Pearl
Cowsert of Rosiclare visited Anna and Ota Smith also.
Master Earl Hobbs of Rosiclare, who has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. W.R.
Smith, the past week returned home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz visited Mrs. A.F. Anderson of E'town Saturday night was a
week ago, they returned home in time for S.S. Sunday at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. and Mrs. Ezra Fritz in company with a crowd of young folks gathered at
Wm. Stacey's Sunday night and spent a few hours in singing they reported a
nice time.
Mrs. and Mrs. Robt. Marglin and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shelton
Sunday evening was a week ago. When they arrived they found Mr. Shelton's
had gone visiting too, so they came by W.R. Smith's and spent the rest of
the day.
Grover Collins and family were guests of Jos. Hindall's family Monday.
Mrs. Gertie Clark and Verb Hobbs were guests of Mrs. Mollie Grace last
Earl Patton, who is staying with Lawrence Oxford this summer visited
homefolks Saturday night and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rogers spent last Monday night with E. Roger's family.
They went over in the river bottom on Tuesday where Mr. Rogers is croping,
took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Dougherty returning home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Mary Patton and two children Ewell and Erva, also Bernerd and Alice
Rogers spent last Tuesday at Robert Oxford's golden wedding day several
friends and relatives gathered in and spent the day with them taking
presents and eatables along with them and all spent an enjoyable day. This
an occasion that occurs so unfrequently that it should never be neglected to
be observed in some way.
Walter Griffith is a subscription renewal since our last.
Miss Barbara Shetler was in town Monday.
Henry Ralph left last Friday for ____chillion, Ark.
Mrs Jane Austin of Golconda is visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Clora Lamb returned home Monday.
C.B. Humm and son, Ulys, spent Monday at John Volkert's.
Mrs. Mary Hardesty is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker.
Loren Denton has employment in Rosiclare as clerk in Fayette Frayser's
__ T. Rash and Harold Pritchard made a business trip to Cave-In-Rock
Mrs. Wm. Vinyard and daughter, Stella, of Paducah is visiting relatives here
this week.
I.A. Coltrin of Cave-In-Rock, deputy assessor, was in town on business
Ugene Hawkins and wife and baby were the guests of John Simmons and family
Mrs. Dave Martin and children of Fairview visited relatives here Saturday
and Sunday.
Louis Hamp and wife were in town Friday trading. Mrs. Hamp made us a
pleasant call.
Miss Betha Smith of Keeling visited her sister, Mrs. J.B. Holloman, Friday
and Saturday.
Charley Ledbetter is working in the bank at Cave-In-Rock this week.
Carl and Leo Herrmann were in town Saturday hauling dry goods for their
father's store at Eichorn.
Judge Ferrell was over from West Frankfort last week; he was accompanied
home by his niece, Miss June Nichols.
We are sorry to note the death of Clifford Ledbetter, which occured Saturday
night. He was a victim of consumption.
Misses Mary Chancey and Effie Davis were up from Rosiclare Sunday, the
guests of Miss Myrtle Chancey.
Mrs. Daisy Ryan left last week for Archillion, Ark. She was accompanied as
far as Golconda by Mrs. Jessie Ralph.
A letter from Clinton Rose of Metropolis, Ill., states that he likes the
place fine and is now picking strawberries.
Mrs. Gladys Guard returned to her home in Equality Tuesday. She was
accompanied home by Miss Etta Patton who will visit friends there.
Mrs. Myrtle Frayser and Miss Vivian Lane of Cave-In-Rock were here Tuesday
taking their music lessons with Miss Etta Server.
Wm. Hale of Shawneetown and brother, Chas. E. Hale of Ozark, Mo., are here
visiting their mother, Mrs. Jacob Drumm. This is the first visit of the
latter to this country in twenty years.
We notice in the list of marriage licenses in the Gallatin Democrat the
names of James Pennell of Cave-In-Rock, aged 53 and Mrs Anna Belle Cruse of
Cave-In-Rock, 41.
John T. Smith of Golconda, RFD 3, an old soldier and a former resident of
this county, was in town Tuesday on business. He was highly elated over the
prospects for a soldier's reuinion and home-coming here the fourth of July.
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