A. McLyre made a business trip to Evansville the first of the week.
We failed to mention last week the visit of Radford Lane of Ark., with his
Aunt, Mrs. Edward Ferrell here last week.
J.B. Holloman spent Friday with the family of Clifford Smith.
Mrs. Mae Jackson was on the sick list a day or two last week.
Mrs. Fannie Piland spent Thurs. in Rosiclare.
Luther Davis is a subscription renewal.
Loren Cowsert of Rosiclare was on our streets Fri.
James Joyner & wife were up from Rosiclare Fri. trading.
Loren Simmons carried the mail on Route 1 Sat.
Ulyss Gullett has been on the sick list the past few days.
Mrs. Jake Twitchell of Paducah is visiting Hardin Co. relatives.
Mrs. W.P. Duley has been quite sick the past week.
Mrs. Zenas Tucker & baby are visiting relatives in Rosiclare.
Arthur Birch & family visited out on Peters Creek Sunday.
Misses Leta & Sylvia Wigham spent last week at Karbers Ridge.
John Holloman spent Tues. in Rosiclare.
E.R. Ferrell made a business triip to Paducah Wednesday.
Miss Ethel Keeling is staying with the family of Frank Mayfield.
John Patterson is working out on the farm for E.N. Hall.
Paul Edmonds returned to his home at Vienna Tuesday.
Karl Humm of near St. Joseph was on our streets Monday.
Miss Minnie Hubbard is spending the wk. in town.
Robert A. Ledbetter made a business trip to Cave-In-Rock Tuesday.
F.E. Scott of Rosiclare was int own on business Wed.
W.E. Forster, father of Mrs. Capt. Taylor is here visiting.
Mrs. Ora Moyers of Golconda was in town a short time Tues.
Wayne Kibler & wife of Kansas City, Kan., are here visiting relatives.
Misses Etta Patton & Jesse Womack spent Thurs. in Rosiclare.
Clinton Rose, who has spent the past few weeks at Metropolis with his
father, returned home Fri.
Hickman Joyner, Jr. and Roy Rains were in town on business last Wed.
Clay Downey was in town on business a short time one day last week.
Harry Ellis, wife & dau., Miss Ethel Bruce, were in town Sat.
Edward & Chas. Creason attended the Sunday School convention at Karbers
Ridge last Sun.
James Wall carried the mail Sun. to Golconda for contractor W.H. Ferrell.
W.T. Lamar & son, Lewis, were in town on business Mon.
Mrs. Maggie Wall returned home Sat. from her visit with homefolks at
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mayfield are the proud parents of a fine baby boy.
Miss Hazel Osburn of McLeansboro is here visiting the family of Geo.
Miss Nellie Hale is up from Metropolis visitin her grandmother, Mrs. Jacob
Mrs. R.F. Taylor returned Fri. from a two week's visit in West Frankfort.
Mrs. Geo. Hale & sis., Miss Jesse Womack, returned to Equality Fri.
Misses Mae Bennett & Tony Edmonds spent Tuesday afternoon ______(missing).
Mesdames Capt. James Ferrell and Omar Ferrell & son spent Sun. afternoon at
Sam Hosick, Jr.
We overlooked the visit of Terrell & Miss Mary Henry with relatives at
Eldorado the past two weeks.
Mrs. Hugh Jordon & little son, Master Hirl, of Rosiclare were in town Fri.
They made us a pleasant call.
A.F. Herrmann and two daus., Misses Muriel & Dora, were in town a few days
last wk. The girls having dental work done.
Waldo Jenkins was a caller in our office Fri., renewing his subscription,
aslo the subscription of Will Jenkins of Dorrisville.
Andy Rates of Golconda was on our streets one day this wk.
Little James Averitt of Louisville is here visiting his grandparents, J.K.
Nave & wife.
Dan Flannery, Jr., of near Cave-In-Rock was on our streets Mon.
Ben Allen of Paducah was in town Tues.
Mrs. Minnie Tisserand of Evansville, Ind. stopped off here a while Mon. on
her way to Cave-In-Rock from Rosiclare where she had been visiting relatives
& friends. She is a dau of John J. Gentry of the upper end of the county &
was formerly the wife of Fred McGinnis, a brother of Sheriff McGinnis.
A Mr. Edmunds, bro of Miss Tony Edmunds, of Vienna has been visiting the
family of Alex Clark.
We are indeed sorry to report the death of John Herrmann of Rosiclare, which
occured early Sat. afternoon. The Independent extends sympathy.
E.F. Wall, Jr. purchased a new Studebaker automobile from our local dealer,
Roy Griffith, last week.
Mrs. Clarence Simmons & baby of Golconda came up Thur. & remained over night
with the fam. of Geo. Simmons; she was accompanied home by her dau., Stella
May, & sis in law, Miss Gladys Simmons.
J.F. Lowry, wife & children will arrive in Hardin for an extended visit
friends and relatives the latter part of the week. Mr. Lowry has been
janitor for the large school building at Harrisburg during the winter and
schools just closed recently.
Miss Georgia McCarty is in from Kansas City, Mo., to spend her summer
vacation with her grandmother, Mrs. Rebecca Pearson.
Tom Renfro of Luxora, Ark., & son of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Renfro, spent last week
with relatives in our county, returning home the former part of this wk. It
had been fourteen years since he has been here, and he must have found quite
as many changes as did the legendary Rip Van Winkle. Mr. Renfro is a
prosperous citizen of Luxora, and has a wife and three children who, he
said, will be up for a visit in the near future.
Grandma Baldwin came out to the old homestead the first part of last week to
oversee the placing of a new monument in the family cemetery in honor of her
husband & son. The old one had become weather worn.
Little Mary Gustin, dau of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Gustin, has not been so well the
last wk. It seems an abscess had formed on her left lung, and it became
necessary to operate. Drs. Gregory, Fowler and Oxford did the work, and
something near one & one-half gallons of pus was taken at one time. Two
tubes were then placed in her side which will carry off the Pus, and thus
avoid a second gathering. Miss Elsie Scott is helping the parents to nurse
Mrs. Mary L.J. Cochran, known all over the county as "Grandma Cochran" died
Sun. shortly before seven P.M., after an illness of only six days. Funeral
services were conducted by Revs. J.M. Lowry and J.B. Tucker, and late Monday
afternoon, June 19, all that was mortal of the brave Christian woman was
laid to rest at the feet of her dau and son ____ ____ ____ ___tin, in Mount
Zion cemetery. An obituary will appear next issue.
Mrs. Lunce Simonen, of near Mount Zion, dau of Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Riley, died
of tuberculosis June 6. She leaves a husband and four small children who
will miss her sadly. Funeral services were held by Rev. J.M. Lowry and
burial took place in the Mount Zion cemetery the following day, June 7.
The Gleaner
Hickman Joiner, Jr., made a business trip to E'town Mon.
Fr. Reich was in E'town Sat. afternoon.
Chas. D. Ledbetter & John Patterson of E'town attended the funeral here Sun.
Nicholas Humm & Miss Louise Rates went to E'town Mon. to have dental work
A.F. Herrmann & dau., Miss Doris, made a business trip to E'town Mon.
Miss Mollie Zimmer, who has spent the past week visiting relatives in this
community was taken to her home at Delwood Sun. sick.
Russell Wilson & Roy Holbrook of E'town passed through here Sun. with quite
a number of sm. pigs, which they had purchased from Matt McMurphy.
John Herrmann, who has been suffering with a cancer in his mouth for the
past few months, passed quietly away at his home in Rosiclare Sat.
afternoon. He was buried in St. Joseph Cemetery Sunday afternoon.We extend
sympathy to the bereaved.
Alonzo Alexander & Henry Vinyard of near Karbers Ridge, two prominent
citizens of that community, were visitors in E'town last Sat.
Grandma Thornton & her dau. Mrs. Rebecca Birch, visited the latter's dau.
Mrs. Dollie Tyer, from last Sat. till Mon. They made a short stop in
Cave-In-Rock. Mrs. Tyer has been in rather poor health.
Jim Aaron left E'town last Fri. morning for St. Peter, Minn., where he
hopes, and doubtless will, find employment in an insane hospital there. Two
of Bert Dale's boys and Fowler Oxford all cousins to him are there.
James Robinett and wife & baby returned home Sat afternoon after a week's
sojoun in the lower part of the county. Their immediate neighbors manifested
little concern for Jim and Alice, but Master James Alfred possesses a
magnetic power that drew them all to his home soon after he arrived.
Mrs. John C. Oxford broke a hen's egg one morning last week that had three
well developed yolks in it. A thing her husband says he never saw nor heard
of before.
Mrs. Judge Ledbetter & Miss Allie Lavender came home last Saturday
afternoon, the former from an extended visit with her children in East St.
Louis, and at McLeansboro, and the latter from Chicago, where she has been
attending school several months. Miss Allie has been studying music and
elocution, and it is said she is quite proficient in these accomplishments.
Don Rowan reached San Francisco, Calif., the 17th inst., at which place he
will stay for an indefinite time. His address while there is Angel Island,
Calif. He arrived at Honolulu June 5th, on his way to the states and saw
Thurston Watson. He sent his mother a lot of curios he had collected in the
Phillipine Islands, in Japan and at Honolulu, consisting of different kinds
of money, spoons, brushes, etc.
Mrs. Nettie Hurford, nee Ricketts, who has employment at Elgin, Ill. got a
vacation this month and came home. She came by way of Flora, Ill., and spent
a few days with her youngest brother, Charley Ricketts and family; then came
to Rosiclare, where her oldest brother and mother live. After spending a few
days with them she and her mother came up to E'town to see her other
brother, Geo. E. Ricketts and family, and spent a day and night with them.
She and her mother made us a pleasant call while here. She is well pleased
with her work, and will leave for Elgin Tue. of this week.
James R. Miller of McLeansboro passed through E'town last week enroute to
Rock Creek to see his sister, Mrs. Asa Reynolds. He came to E'town last week
and stayed all night with E.L. Robinson and accompanied him to Rosiclare the
next day and saw his sister-in-law Mrs Jane Miller & children, with whom he
spent the day, returning here in the evening. Asa Reynolds came in the next
morning and took him out to his house. We only got to shake hands with him
and talk a minute. He looks well and said he was much better than when he
here before.
Luther Davis and wife & Bryan Davis and wife of Rosiclare came up to E'town
Tues of last week & stayed all night with A.F. Anderson, who is a sister of
Mrs. Luther Davis and an aunt of Mrs. Bryan Davis. Isaac Hobbs & one little
dau. came in from the country Wed. morning and spent a few hours with them.
He is the father of Mrs. Bryan Davis and a brother of Mrs. Luther Davis.
They received a letter about the 12th inst. from Charley Rutledge, formerly
of Eldorado, Ill., but now of ______, Mich., who a nephew _____ Luther
Davis, urging ________ to that northern city (the rest missing)......... We
wish them the greatest possible success in their new location, but shall not
be surprised if they strike out for a warmer climate within the next 12 or
15 months. Luther & Bryan said if they had to come back here they would
build a little run about Ford machine, (the main Ford factory is in Detroit)
and would come back in grand style.
Robert Scott lost a mare with spinal meningitis.
Mrs. Myrtle Lamb was a caller at Mrs. Alex Gentry's Thurs.
Mrs. Mary Brown visited her dau, Mrs. Dora Gentry, Wed.
Misses Estelle & Dessie McDowell were guest of Miss Cleta Shufflebarger Sun.
Rev. Lannom preached at the Union Arbor Sun. School Sun. afternoon June 18th
to a large crowd.
Mrs. Jane Hamilton & Miss Ruth Martin were visitors of Mrs. Riley Hobbs
Deliah Ferrell was bitten by a black snake while picking berries. It did not
seem to hurt her.
Mesdames John R. Oxford and Hester Pennell were seen driving through the
Bend, they had been visiting the former's parents.
Riley Hobbs went after his mother and brought her to his home for a visit.
It is the first time we remember seeing his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mattingly 7 children of Ky., are visiting the latter's
relatives here. Mrs. Mattingly is a dau of Mrs. Mary (Grandma) Vaughn and a
sister to Mrs. Eva McDowell.
John A. McDowell has sold his home near Hopkins Chapel to Willie Belt, he
will build on his farm near McDowell school house. We shall not lose our
good neighbors, Mr. McDowell and family, in the transaction, but gain a new
neighbor. We welcome Mr. Belt and family into our neighborhood circle.
Guy Hale came in home from Carbondale last week.
Mrs. Lu Vinyard is very sick at this writing.
Walter Paris came in home last week for a vacation we suppose.
From a letter we learned of the sudden death of Joe Underwood of Mt. Vernon,
Ind., of heart failure.
Frank Hindall moved the traction engine that he bought from Ben Burton, home
last week.
Bro. F.J. Guntert took sick very suddenly Sat. evening & was unable to
attend Sun. School convention here last Sun.
Senator Womack & wife of Equality were here last Sun. attending the S.S.
We regret very much to note the death of C.M. Casad appearing in last week's
Independent. Mr. Casad was an intimate friend of the writer's at one time.
He sold the first merchandise at Karbers Ridge for Solomon Cox & F.C. Karber
who furnished a sm. capital, Mr. Casad selling the goods for part of the
profit. He was an honest and hard working man.
Mrs. Roxie Lamar is visiting Mr. & Mrs. A.H. Lannom.
Antone Volkert, wife & baby spent Sun. with B.F. Cowsert.
Mrs. Eugene Hawkins is visiting homefolks at this writing.
Mr. & Mrs. John Foe purchased a nice buggy recently.
Escol Patton visited Tucker Bynum recently.
Dave Hurford & fam. visited Wm. Hurford & fam. last Sun.
John King, wife & baby spent Sat night and Sun with the family of Joe King.
Mrs. Lizzie Bynum is visiting Mr. & Mrs. T.B. Ginger of Rosiclare at
James McClusky & fam. visited Fred McCluskey & fam. Sun. eve.
Lucian Wallace, who is working for Wm. Hurford visited homefolks the latter
part of last week.
Marium & Wright Lannom visited Isaac Hawkins Sun., also Vernon & Otho Moran.
Mrs. C.M. Barton visited Mr. & Mrs. Norman Patterson last Thur.
Bro. Lannom filled his reg. appointment at this place Sat. night & Sun.
Bro. Ottis Dimick preacheda very excellent sermon to a large crowd Sunday
During to storm last Fri. eve. the lightning struck Otto Hurford's house,
but little damage was done.
We are sorry to report the death of John Herrmann of Rosiclare, who died
last Sat. He has many friends to mourn his departure.
Miss Mary Ritchie of Hastie Landing is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ethel
Mrs. Chas. Lackey & son of Potts Hill spent a few days with her father, Fred
Brookmire, Sr.
Miss Lillie Smith is very ill of malaria Fever.
Mrs. Henry McDowell & little son spent a few days with relatives at
Rosiclare the first part of the wk.
Howard Simpson of Caseyville, Ky., was here visiting relatives for a couple
of days last wk.
W.H. Belt purchased 20 acres of land from Jno. A. McDowell recently.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Fletcher & children of E'town are visiting relatives in
this neighborhood.
Fred Gentry & sis, Mrs. Isabelle Adkins of Harrisburg have been visiting
relatives here.
Mrs. R.T. McDowell is still quite poorly. She was operated on for an abcess
a few wks ago at St. Mary's Hosp.at Evansville, Ind. Her many friends are
hoping for an early recovery.
Mr. & Mrs. George Pennell & sm dau, of near Cave-In-Rock visited relatives
here Sun.
Mrs. Rose Hufsey & Miss Eunice Hufsey attended church at Mt. Zion Sun.
Rev. & Mrs. Loren E. Page and little dau, Mildred, of Karnak, Ill. came in
last week for a visit with relatives.
Roy Shetler & Miss Millie Zimmer made a trip to Hickstown Wed.
Jim Hobbs is on the sick list, Dr. Hancock is attending physician.
Carl & Leo Herrmann also Miss Tena Towns spent Fri. at Fr. Reich's.
Nicholas Humm, Jr. was in town a short time Thurs. he was accompanied home
by Miss Millie Zimmer.
Charley Ledbetter, John Patterson, Misses Marie & Beulah Humm of E'town were
at this place a short time Sun. afternoon auto riding.
Master Frank Humm & Mayme Moore made a trip to Golconda Tues.
Quiet a number from this vicinity attended the funeral of Johnie B. Herrmann
at St. Joseph Cem. Sun. afternoon. We sympathize with the bereaved.
The families of Jas. Porter, Jesse Payne, Wm. Hobbs & Wm. Clark were
guests of Walter Patton's fam. Sun.
E. Rodgers & fam. went berring up in the upper county Thurs. and took dinner
with Rob Grace's fam.
Miss Lucy Rogers & Mrs. Clara (Russell) Walther were guests of E. Roger's
family Sun. Mrs. Walther is a cousin of E. Rogers and lives in Evansville.
She with her brother, Hugh, have been visiting relatives in Philadelphia
district the past two weeks.
Ernest Carr & sm. son, Lewis, of Iran, Mo., are visiting relatives here.
Ernest has been teaching school and selling school supplies for several
years in Mo., but he will take a job carrying mail on a rural route when he
returns home.
Saline | Gallatin | Union KY |
Pope |
![]() |
Livingston KY Crittenden KY |