John Vinyard was one of the prominent men of Hardin County, and one of
the most active and earnest men in building up the interests of the
community in which he resided. His father, Daniel Vinyard, came from
Virginia to what is now the State of Illinois about 1817. He settled in
Hardin County, when the country was very new, and as one of the first of the
pioneers of the county he experienced all the privations and hardships of
pioneer life, as well as its peculiar pleasures, for it should not be
considered that the pioneers of the early day saw nothing but trials and
troubles. While schools and churches were few and far between and social and
business intercourse was carried on under peculiar difficulties, yet there
were compensations for these hard conditions in the closer and warmer
friendships and the ever-ready helpfulness that are, perhaps, not now
experienced to anything like the same degree. Daniel Vinyard performed his
full share of the work which developed the country and contributed to the
progress which he witnessed later on, and of which his and the descendants
of other pioneers are now reaping the benefit. While he was well educated in
his youth, yet he acquired sufficient practical knowledge to carry him
successfully through the world, and he had a strong will and a determination
to succeed in life and to make for himself and family a home in the
wilderness which were never conquered or daunted. After many years of hard
work he died in Hardin County, leaving no great amount of money, but leaving
is of far more value, an unspotted reputation. John Vinyard was born August
4, 1817, and was brought up on the farm. Early in life he formed habits of
industry, which have been of his greatest benefit to him through life. His
educational advantages, like those of his father, were of the most limited
nature, and the knowledge he obtained was not so much in the schools as in
the every-day experience of life and by his own private reading, and
observance. He was married February 24, 1839, to Eliza Shell, who was born
in Tennessee October 10, 1821. Her father, Solomon Shell, came to Illinois
at an early day and settled in Hardin County on unimproved land, building a
log house and improving a farm. After his marriage John Vinyard bought some
land in Hardin County, which was to some extent improved. He and his wife
moved onto this land and began their married life in earnest. They had at
first a log house of one room, the cooking being all done in the old-style
fireplace. The home, however, was a happy one, notwithstanding the primitive
condition of things, for it has been the experience of many a family that
wealth and elegance of surroundings are not necessary to, and do not insure,
happiness in this world. By industry they succeeded in a few years in
improving their farm, in building additions to the house and in adding to
the number of their acres until they had one of the best farms and most
comfortable homes in the county. Our subject was a good and successful
farmer, and while his labors were not confined to the farm, it was never
neglected. he was a man of natural and vaired ability, and was always
serving the community in general and benefiting his neighbors. he was never
an idle man, and when not at work he was engaged in reading, thus improving
his mind and increasing his knowledge. His study was so successful that he
received a certificate from the State Board of Health authorizing him to
practice medicine, and he followed the practice of medicine until the time
of his death. he was also a minister in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
and took great interest in religious affairs while he lived. He was
instrumental in organizing a church of that denomination, the meeting being
held and the organization effected in his house, which was always open for
religious meetings, and many a service, long to be remembered, was held
therein. When he died, the church which he had organized lost its main
support. The community in which he lived lost at the same time a man who was
friendly to the needy and to all worthy enterprises. His widow still lives
on the old homesstead, which has been her home from the time of her
marriage. To Mr. and Mrs. Vinyard there were born twelve children, seven of
whom are now living; James, who is a merchant of Springfield, Mo.; Mary E.,
wife of Matthew Jenkins, a farmer of Pope County, Ill.; Martha A., wife of
John Hubbard, a farmer of Hardin County, Ill.; William H., a farmer; Josie,
wife of Frank Fowler; Alice, widow of John Hamilton; and Charles, a farmer.
The names of those who have died were as follows: Sarah J., Thomas, Maria,
Indiana and Louisiana. Mr. Vinyard was prominent not alone in church and
school affairs, but also in civic matters and all things pertaining to good
order and whatever was beneficial to the community. He, however, never
aspired to office, but was always a good counselor, and a man in whom the
community had the greatest confidence. While he preferred the polity and
faith of the church with which he was connected, yet he was friendly to all
denominations, and could and did greet them all as brethren in Christ.
[1898. The Biographical Review of Johnson, Massac, Pope and Hardin Counties,
Illinois, Chicago, Biograhical Publishing Co. 557]
Submitted by Wanda (Patton) Reed
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